Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Image result for growth quotes

Growth is a process that no one is all the way prepared for. It's not always easy. Some phases are harder than others. Some lessons may be more difficult than the ones before. People will say you've changed. Friends will say you're different. Evolving will cost you unhealthy relationships and friendships and of course it will make you uncomfortable.

But we have to understand that there's a reason for our discomfort. Our most uncomfortable moments usually are the most important lessons/moments in our lives.

Things that used to bother you won't bother you anymore. Things that used to upset you won't anger you anymore. People in the past can't hurt you anymore.

Why? Because the way you move will change. The way you speak, think, react. 

You learn better ways to approach different situations. You learn how to handle things more smoothly than before. You learn how to avoid certain things that disrupt your peace... what and who you choose to put your time and effort into. You began to realize that you're too old for certain shit. Yes, I said it because we are..

Even if it's not all the way positive, being grown enough to pull yourself out of situations you know you aren't ready for or being grown about situations you've acted on. Taking responsibility… ownership over the things you've done.

Growth is being bigger than your past. Being braver than your old fears. Being smarter than your previous decisions.

There's a lesson in every growth phase in your life that will help contribute to the person you will become. Become comfortable in your uncomfortable moments. Don't just go through life... Grow through it.

Reach your fullest potential and change for the better.

Friday, July 26, 2019


Image result for believe them the first time quote

Many times we fall for people knowing they aren't good for us. All the signs indicate it; yet we still settle with the feelings of discomfort and uncertainty. Hoping that one day, sooner rather than later, that those feelings will change. We ignore and makes excuses only to refrain from the fear of never experiencing love again. Don't think that way. You will.

Truth is, the only thing stopping you from experiencing real love is staying with someone whom you know isn't good for you.

Of course, it's hard. No one said it'd be easy constantly starting over with a new person. Learning a different person over and over again. It's exhausting.. But that's where knowing your self worth comes into action. The better you know yourself, the easier it is to rule out what is worth your time and what isn't.

It's okay to give second chances but know the difference between someone deserving a second chance and someone learning how to take advantage of you. When we misinterpret the two, we become heartbroken at our own faults; staying longer than we should, rather than leaving when we know it's time. And by that time, that person has already started figure skating; knowing exactly what to say, and what to do to get you back in their arms. No genuine approach at all.

That feeling deep down in your heart that something is off.. those constant red signs.. they are appearing to get your attention. To let you know that the person you're with will hinder your growth the longer you stay.

At some point, you have to ask yourself, when will enough be enough?

After while, no matter how good someone is at pretending, their true colors will eventually show. Believe them. Notice them and act accordingly. Save yourself the disappoint, heartbreak, and anger.

You deserve to feel loved. You deserve to be appreciated. You deserve to be happy. And if the person you're with isn't making you feel those feelings, then maybe this is your sign. You have that right to put your happiness first and walk away.

Doesn't mean you didn't love them. Just means they didn't love you enough to keep you.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Image result for you matter most
This one is so important, I can't stress this enough.    

I understand.
I have been there multiple times before.
It doesn't lasts as long as you think.

We all experience it at some point in our lives. We all go through situations that easy to deal with. Yes, things may seem impossible or like a never-ending cycle of constant disappointment. Days can also seem, at times, as if they're getting harder by the day. But someone once told me, and I want you guys to ask yourself this,

"Why go through hell and stay there?"

Give your mind a break from all the things going wrong in your life and just take a moment to breathe. Take a moment to realize what you're facing. Take a moment to allow solutions to approach your horizons. Take a moment to think of ways to utilize those solutions.

And then.... utilize them. In that order.

Stop asking, "Why is this happening to me?" and start training your brain to think, "What is this trying to teach me?"

My favorite thing to tell y'all is KEEP GOING. No matter what you do, No matter what happened. Even if it's not that easy right way. Even if you have to take a small break to cry, be angry, or to be alone. IT'S OKAY but don't stay in hell. Don't stay in a miserable stake. You will spoil your life.

If you reach a point in your life where things are getting a little too tough to handle, TAKE A BREAK BABY. It's okay to step away from the world for a while. Those who truly love you and support will understand.

When we constantly allow ourselves to go through situation after situation without fully healing, we end up adding more hatred, and hurt on our hearts and spirits.

Know yourself better than anything in this world. Know when your body needs a break. Know when you need to step back and take a breather. Know when enough is enough.

If someone isn't contributing to your happiness. Leave. During that process, that person will either do 2 things: Either learn to grow with you or get left behind.

Take care of yourself. Not just externally but internally as well. Strengthen your mind. Try new things and get to know yourself better: your likes and dislikes

There's absolutely nothing wrong with putting yourself first in ANY SITUATION. Why not? You are the only person that is going to be with you for the rest of your life. Why not be your biggest supporter?

At the end of the day, You matter MOST.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Many situations happen in our lives that we are not prepared for. Some for the better... some a little bit worse than others. And of course, we began to question the reason. We began to wonder why things are happening the way they are or what did we do to deserve it, right?

Its life, my love.

Sometimes we let the lives of others or expectations on social media make us believe life is skipping us by or that we must hurry up and make something happen before we run out of time.

Relax, my love..

They don’t show you how long of a wait it was until they finally reached their goals. They don’t show the steps it took to get to where they are. They don’t show you all the times they felt like giving up. They don’t show the failures and disappointments they endured.

Understand that their journey is not your journey.

Their life is not yours. Your blessings are not their blessings. Whatever is for YOU will forever be for YOU and no one can take that away.

Yes, you will go through hard times. We all do; however, the most important thing you can do in any situation you endure is to simply remain positive.

Even if that seems to the hardest thing to do at the moment, master the art of remaining positive and watch your life take a turn for the better.

You WILL reach your goals. You WILL get that dream job. You WILL find your perfect soulmate. You WILL become financially stabled.

No one ever said life would be easy. Stop worrying yourself and keep pushing. Give your mind back its peace back and enjoy your life.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Image result for be willing

We are human. You are allowed to make mistakes. You are allowed to fall and get back up again. You are allowed to cry when something hurts. Life did not come with instructions. Not a single soul on this earth has it all figured out.

You cannot expect yourself to know who and who not to let into your life. You cannot expect to know whether the path you take is right or wrong. You cannot expect to know the outcome of every situation that may transpire. But what you CAN do is control the uncontrollable.. and that is simply being willing.

 BE WILLING, no matter how it turns out.

What do I mean by BE WILLING?

Let me give you some examples.

Be willing to understand when you are wrong in a situation
Be willing to go the distance in whatever you set your mind to
Be willing to stand out
Be willing to walk away from anything that causes you discomfort
Be willing to learn from your mistakes
Be willing to love beyond measures
Be willing to give even when you are not being given to
Be willing to think positively despite your current situation
Be willing to grow
Be willing to experience new things
Be willing to embrace who you were created to be
Be willing to be YOU

Friday, July 5, 2019


Image result for know you deserve it

The title of this post definitely speaks for itself.

Many of us have goals, dreams, and ideas we want to bring to life whether they're long term, short term, or indifference. Many of us also have that small amount of fear or tiny little voice in our heads saying "you can't do it"..

Trust me, I hear it too. You're not alone.

But there was one thing I did wrong... maybe like many of you, and that was believe it.

Overtime, I soon began to realize that, all along, I was the ONLY ONE holding me back.

There's a time in our lives where we have to start believing in ourselves, which goes hand and hand with knowing your value... knowing who you are and what you mean to this world.

Of course it feels great to have a big group of supporters or even a small group... Or maybe you don't have any one at all. At the end of the day, nobody's support is more important than your own. Be your biggest support system. Whether you fall with a group of people standing behind you or with nobody at all.... get back up and stand 10 TOES behind who you are and what you stand for!

Know that every vision of the future you have in you head is already yours. Know in your heart and in your spirit that it's already in your possession. KNOW THAT YOU DESERVE IT..

Because when it comes down to it..... YOU DO..

Wednesday, July 3, 2019


There will come a time where we begin to wonder why nothing is going right in our lives.. why 
things seem to be a never-ending problem.. why we can’t seem to keep any type of joy or passion about life... 

It may be because we’re looking at our situations from a negative outlook. 

Maybe life hasn’t always treated you correctly. We all have difficulties that we’re facing and of course it’s easy to get side-tracked.. to focus on the negative; but, that may be why some of our lives are still stuck in  the same place. Sometimes we have to look on the inside and realize that maybe we’re the problem. 

Instead of complaining “There’s too much traffic” “People dont appreciate me” “I don’t like my job”, try being celebratory “Thankful that I have a car to drive to work” “Thankful I woke up this morning”. We gain the habit of complaining so much that we forget to celebrate and be thankful for the things we do have and can do.

What would happen to your relationship, your job, your goals if you made one tiny attitude adjustment? Instead of being disappointed, sour, difficult to get along with, what would happen if you tried being kind, helpful and positive toward your situations? 

That may be how you’ve always been, but doesn’t mean that’s how you have to stay. Your attitude can be symbolic to clothes. If you keep them on for too long, they’ll eventually start to stink, make you unattractive and keep others distanced from you. 

Your attitude has a greater impact on your success than your IQ score. Having a positive attitude attracts better opportunities, relationships and success. 

Forget what happened yesterday. It’s over and done with. Are you going to live today still angry and disappointed over something you can’t change or are you going to start fresh, learn from the mistake and keep moving forward?

You choose the direction your life is going to go so the question is ...

Which way do you choose? 

Monday, July 1, 2019


Now a days, I think we get so caught up on the latest brands, the rich lifestyle, the flashy cars, etc., that we forget the main reason/purpose for our lives. Our brains are now trained to think we have to have everything others think are important for them to see our worth, but the real gag is.... you don’t.

People don’t determine your value. No matter how they treat you or what they say about you. None of that can lessen the fact that you’re a masterpiece.

The mistakes you’ve made don’t determine your value. That’s what you did, not who you are. No matter what you’re wearing or how much you spend on it, your value will forever come from within.

Sometimes we have on so many name brands that we forget our own name.
Whether you’re wearing GUCCI or GOODWILL, your value doesn’t change.

If you don’t know who you are without the people you’re trying to impress, once they leave, which they will, you’ll be lost too.

You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Whether they understand or not, you were created to be different. RECOGNIZE YOUR VALUE THEN EMBRACE IT. 

Friday, June 28, 2019


Start the habit of waking up every morning excited about what’s to come. We all have certain things we do on a daily basis but don’t allow your entire life to become a routine. Experience new things. Take on new opportunities. This will help you grow as a person as well as help you learn your likes and dislikes (what works for you and what doesn’t).

Try new looks, new ideas that pertain to what you want to do in life. Different styles, different looks. Be spontaneous. Live a life full of joy and excitement. A life with NO REGRETS.

Enjoy yourselves. Travel if you can. Learn new cultures. Learn about the world. Discover what else is out there. 

Don’t get to the end of your life and wish you would’ve done more. Do more now. We’re basically living to die so why not do what you want with the most precious gift given to us?

Be different. Take risks. Make the best out of every experience and make every moment count. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


We all have a unique quality installed within us that nobody else has.. a quality that separates us from the world....  a quality that makes us different. We all were created as masterpieces and placed on Earth to fulfill a purpose in some shape, form or fashion. SO WHY NOT EMBRACE IT? WHY NOT FULFILL IT?

Im here for those out there who are afraid to start whatever that thing is that you want to do (It’s  okay. I was one of those people too)... Some of us are afraid of what others will think or even the long journey or fear of it being pointless. I UNDERSTAND IT ALL.

But that is why most of us fail to reach our goals.. because we listen to those negative little voices in our heads and allow them to hold us back.

It’s okay to be scared. Hell, we all are... but that is where it develops... in your most uncomfortable state in life. It’s a test, my love. All you have to do is make the uncomfortable comfortable...:)

Share yout talent. Start that business. Spread the message. Repair important friendship. Bring Awareness. Discover your purpose. Transform into a better version of yourself.
Be YOU in every single way you can be.

The world needs you
In your most purest form possible
What are you waiting on?

Monday, June 24, 2019


In order to stay committed, you have to have a made up mindset that you’re in it for the long run... whether it’s contributing to a goal, a friendship, or a relationship. You have to decide from within that you are going to do the right thing even when things are bad.

Be a loyal person.. a person people can count on when in need.

If you don’t pass the test of being at your best where you are, you will slack off. You are not weak. You have talent and a destiny to fulfill. Stay committed even when nothing is changing.

Don’t take the easy way out, or settle for mediocrity. Of course, there will be plenty of times when you’re tempted to walk away and that’s okay. The test is will you keep going anyway?

Always do more than you have to. Go over and beyond. Take the extra mile.

Commit to a certain goal and stay loyal. Stay consistent. Stay faithful.

There is something in you that nobody else has inside them. Find it, commit to it, and don’t stop until you’ve reached your fullest potential.

Friday, June 21, 2019


This is probably one of the most vital topics that I will share with you guys as well as one of the topics I’m currently trying to master in my own life as well and it consists of one choosing to put on their shoes of peace and getting up every morning BELIEVING that it will be a good day no matter what transpires throughout their daily life.

Seems easy right? ...... Not even close.

We have to understand that every person in our lives won’t treat us right. Disappointment is inevitable. Running into people that may hurt you or upset you is inevitable. Nobody is perfect. Everything in your life won’t go exactly as planned, but we have to make a self-conscious decision, as well as tell ourselves, “No matter what happens today, I will stay in peace and not let anything affect my mood”. 

Life is too short to live offended, resentful, unhappy, discouraged, etc. The gift of life is the most precious gift you can have. Guard your heart and enjoy it.

Living your life peacefully is not someone else’s responsibility. We can’t expect people to keep us uplifted, encourage us, or compliment us; that comes from within. People are going to have their opinions, attempt to start arguments and disrupt your happiness. Once again, these are things that are inevitable but the good news is we don’t have to live our lives defensively, trying to prove to people who we are. 

You can’t keep negative things from happening but you can keep them from getting inside you and ruining your day. Walk away from things that don’t keep you comforted, peaceful-living, and happy. 


Thursday, April 4, 2019

Nowadays, everything and everybody are pretty much following the same path. Doing the same types of things. Discussing the same types of topics. Wearing the same types of clothing. Initiating the same types of thoughts and following the same types of crowds and opinions. It seems as if everybody wants to be like everybody else and FOR WHAT? 

What growth comes with following what everyone else does? What growth comes with staying the SAME????

As I stated previously, the world NEEDS different. We need spontaneous people with a different outlook on the world. We need people that possess a certain type of glow... a glow that separates them from the rest... one that cannot be influenced by any outside sources. 

Those are the people that make a difference... that inspire the everything surrounding them. Following everyone else keeps you in the same spot that they're in. Dare to stand alone. There was a reason you were created they way you were, EMBRACE IT!

If you have an idea, forget what they may think! Scream it to the world. You may end up changing the world, who knows?

They may say you're strange. They may laugh because you seem weird. They may criticize because you're different but would you rather be YOURSELF or just the same as EVERYBODY ELSE?

Monday, April 1, 2019

Have you ever just sat back and watched the news? Witnessing all the murders, crimes, government issues, etc. going on in the world? Have you ever wondered when would it ever stop? When will things ever get better?

The world is getting crazier and crazier. More cruel by the day. We're losing people.. LEGENDS.. People that were trying to change and better the world. Or innocent people who had a whole life ahead of them. Damaging families and taking their loved ones all due to senseless crimes. We're losing our people every single day with nothing to show for it but a post saying "r.i.p" that usually blows over after a week???

We as people post, claiming to be woke, until the situation blows over and then we're back to square 1, becoming forgetful until the next death comes along. It's almost as if we keep repeating the same cycle and just talking about it instead of creating an actual change?

What's the point if we're not going to come together to stop it? Why show sympathy if we're going to continue to let these senseless crimes happen?

They are taking us, one by one and because everybody is so afraid to step up, ITS WORKING! Step up and be that VOICE. Lead in a positive way rather than what everybody else recognizes as cool. We're constantly talking about change, why not create it?? STAND UP and BE THAT CHANGE!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Knowing your worth goes hand and hand with multiple things. Whether it's setting goals for yourself, knowing who you want to have in your life as far as friendships, relationships, associates, etc. Knowing your worth is an essential asset in true happiness as well as your strive to success. When you know your worth, you learn what you can achieve. You learn to set goals that you know you'd be comfortable in achieving. Knowing your worth also helps you realize what and who you need to keep around... what you can and can't accept... Your morals pertaining to your dreams as well as the company you choose to keep around you.

Knowing your worth is loving yourself enough to know when you've had enough.

People can and will tell you all day that you're not good enough but my question is WHAT DO YOU MEAN TO YOU? WHAT DEFINES YOU AS A PERSON? WHAT MAKES YOU DIFFERENT?

Once you're able to honestly answer those questions, you're on your way to becoming unstoppable and once you become unstoppable, ADD TAX QUEEN/KING!!

Just because you learn who you are does not mean you don't have anymore room to grow. Your thoughts on your current potential doesn't stop the lessons that will eventually lead into even greater potential that you probably never thought you'd accomplish.


Friday, March 29, 2019


First and foremost, I want to welcome you all back to my blog! I hope you've enjoyed the previously posted content and been able to relate to those topics in some sort of way, if any. Secondly, I want to apologize for my inconsistency. Life has gotten a little crazy over this past week or two and I'm currently picking up the pieces and putting them back together (will be a topic later on). As far as the blog, I will now be posting 4 times a week NO MATTER WHAT! Preferably every other day of the week. For all of my daily viewers, thank you... as well as my newly joined viewers. Stay tuned for more content starting tomorrow and please feel free to comment, follow and contact me if you have any topics, questions or concerns on my social media in the icons above. Once again, I apologize for the inconsistency in posting and thanks for all the support!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Have you ever been presented with an opportunity that could potentially change your life and take you to another level? But you turned it down because it may have seemed sketchy.. or maybe because you felt like you weren't ready.. or maybe because you were just scared?? Trust me, I understand. I get it. I can't express to you guys how many countless opportunities I've turned down due to fear of not being good enough.

The truth is, I was blocking myself from potential opportunities that could've changed my life forever. I was blocking myself from growth.. change.. empowerment.. betterment. Something like what many of us are doing, right?

At some point we all have to gain the courage to step out on faith. At some point we all have to leave the fear of rejection behind and force ourselves to simply go for it. Life is always changing and the world is always transforming. Sticking to the same cycle can often leave us confused and left behind.

You don't have to have it all figured out. I didn't, and I still don't. I'm not saying there won't be failure. It comes with it. My face has been plastered in the mud more times than I can count but you know something? It's not about how you fall, it's about how you get back up.

Take on what life throws at you. If you feel in your heart that you can do it despite what your mind and body says, WHY NOT DO IT? Why keep holding back? Who's telling you that you can't do it? Who's stopping you... YOU?

The world can REJECT you if it chooses, but as long as you're saying YES and you believe in yourself, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.

What do you guys think? What has been holding you guys back? Share your experiences or simply leave a comment below.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

At times life can get a bit overwhelming... like a never ending battle of trying to stay strong and keep your head above water. Different issues with every purpose seemingly to knock you down. I know because I'm currently at that stage.

At that stage of not knowing where to turn or how to function due to being attacked with a different problem every single day. Imma tell y'all what I'm training my own brain to do and that is to simply … breathe.

Train your brain to look at the bright sides of things. Think about all the things you've overcame in the past... all the setbacks you've conquered to get to where you are now.. This will help you realize that you're stronger than what you've imagined... help you understand that the hardest moments of your life often lead to the greatest and most needed lessons.

Life can be extremely tuff at times, especially due to the lack of instructions on how to live or go about certain situations (that'd be great if life came with it though, right?). But truth is, we'll never have all the answers and we'll never have it all figured out.

So my answer is to just breathe. Take a step back and breathe. Take a break from all your struggles and just breathe. You're okay. I'm okay. We all will be OKAY in the end. Breathe, my love.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Of course creating a name, a brand, and/or business for yourself is challenging. Not much clarity on if it'll succeed or not.. Without any support.. without anyone believing in us..
Yes, it's hard.. harder than most people can imagine but does that mean QUIT?

Does that mean stop believing in yourself because others don't believe in you? Does that mean give up on your brand because others have given up on you? Does that mean stop pushing just because you think you haven't made much progress?

Absolutely NOT. If you don't have any support, support yourself. If no one believes in your dreams, believe in yourself. Don't let the lack of likes or comments from social media determine your success. Doesn't matter if you are getting 1 like per post, KEEP POSTING. KEEP GOING. KEEP WORKING.

Most people fail to understand the work and dedication beginner entrepreneurs put in and most beginner entrepreneurs fail to understand that successful businesses come with failure, problems and let-downs.

No matter what, keep believing. No matter how long, keep trying. No matter what happens, learn from it and keep moving.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Now a days, people become so focused on the future or what's to come that we forget to appreciate what today may bring. We become so infatuated in our daily responsibilities that we disconnect from the joy about what is or could be currently happening in our lives that could potentially be for the betterment.  

We miss out on amazing opportunities that may have been placed in our lives, with every purpose of leading into something great. OR we reach the point where we fail to take advantage of every second we have breathing, with the chance of living each day given to the fullest.

Live in the moment but plan for tomorrow.
Save and invest.
Set goals.
Create a bucket list.

Create the life you desire for yourself. Make every moment count. Stop waiting, do it now. Stop wishing, make them come true. We were only given ONE LIFE, do something with it.

"Never forget yesterday, but always live for today because you never know what tomorrow may bring or what it may take away".

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Do you ever become so busy that you forget to take care of YOU? So stressed and pressured without any knowledge on what your body needs? While continuing to push off scheduling time for exercise, social occasions, or just quality time with yourself?

It is impossible to continue with our daily activities or truly be there for others without tending to ourselves first. It is extremely important to set aside some love and attention, even if it's a small amount, to your mind, body and soul... your mental, emotional and physical health.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Lighten up. Tell yourself you are good enough. Flood your brain with positive thoughts whether it's by reading motivational books, listening to music, podcasts, etc.

Sometimes we have to interrupt what may seem like life's never-ending demands and take time to regroup and refuel ourselves with energy. It's OKAY to give yourself a break and tend to your mental and physical needs. Sometimes taking a break from the influences of social media, people, or just everything around you is also significant in maintaining a healthy and positive mindset.

Here are some examples of self care:
  • Take a jog
  • Spend time with friends
  • Exercise
  • Meditate
  • Travel
  • Journal

Monday, February 25, 2019

Many times we become so focused on what is preferred or seen as cool that we lose focus on who we really are. Sometimes, we stop seeking our true and purest forms to be seen as accepted rather than accepting our true selves. Our true personalities. Our true thoughts. Mindsets. Outlooks on life. We become scared to embrace our unique qualifies due to fear of being laughed at, talked about, or simply being different.. but it's OKAY!

We all have our own significant purposes as to why we were created. We all have our own opinions on what we consider acceptable or unacceptable in our own minds. We all have our own unique qualities that help us stand out; that make us different. The world needs different. We need people who are comfortable with who they are without the influence of others.. People who are not afraid to stand out and accept their true selves.

It is okay to be YOU. No matter what the world may think.. no matter what THEY may say, YOU are YOU for a reason. Use it. Believe in yourself enough to get to the know the REAL you. Eliminate all the counteracting thoughts of what others may think or say and simply fall into the REAL you. Get to know the REAL you. Love the REAL you. Embrace the REAL you. Challenge the REAL you. Use the REAL you and do something with it. The world needs it.


Sunday, February 24, 2019

Hi everyone and welcome to my inspirational blog. For a while now, I've been wanting to create this blog, in hopes of helping people all around the world, and it's finally up and running. In this blog, there will be various topics discussed and advice given on situations that most people aren't comfortable talking about, or during the process, feel alone getting through. I've been assisting people for a while, sharing whatever and however I can simply because most of these situation I've either been through, or witnessed someone else go through and NO ONE should have to experience any of it alone.

I usually post "message of the day" quotes every morning on social media; and, the responses I would receive inspired me to spread the positivity. I witness a lot of things transpire in this world and I know many people feel as if no one understands them or the trials they're facing. I know because I've felt it too. So, as I grow while attempting to help others grow, I want to thank you for reading my blog and I hope that I am of assistance to someone in need, even if it's simply one person. Please feel free to contact me personally if preferred that way. I can't promise anyone I'll know everything but I can promise that I will help as much as I can. So again, thanks for reading and joining me on this journey. More to come!

Follow Me @inspiredby.nicole