Wednesday, February 27, 2019

"Self Care is the Best Care"

Do you ever become so busy that you forget to take care of YOU? So stressed and pressured without any knowledge on what your body needs? While continuing to push off scheduling time for exercise, social occasions, or just quality time with yourself?

It is impossible to continue with our daily activities or truly be there for others without tending to ourselves first. It is extremely important to set aside some love and attention, even if it's a small amount, to your mind, body and soul... your mental, emotional and physical health.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Lighten up. Tell yourself you are good enough. Flood your brain with positive thoughts whether it's by reading motivational books, listening to music, podcasts, etc.

Sometimes we have to interrupt what may seem like life's never-ending demands and take time to regroup and refuel ourselves with energy. It's OKAY to give yourself a break and tend to your mental and physical needs. Sometimes taking a break from the influences of social media, people, or just everything around you is also significant in maintaining a healthy and positive mindset.

Here are some examples of self care:
  • Take a jog
  • Spend time with friends
  • Exercise
  • Meditate
  • Travel
  • Journal


Follow Me @inspiredby.nicole