Monday, July 1, 2019

Recognizing Your Value

Now a days, I think we get so caught up on the latest brands, the rich lifestyle, the flashy cars, etc., that we forget the main reason/purpose for our lives. Our brains are now trained to think we have to have everything others think are important for them to see our worth, but the real gag is.... you don’t.

People don’t determine your value. No matter how they treat you or what they say about you. None of that can lessen the fact that you’re a masterpiece.

The mistakes you’ve made don’t determine your value. That’s what you did, not who you are. No matter what you’re wearing or how much you spend on it, your value will forever come from within.

Sometimes we have on so many name brands that we forget our own name.
Whether you’re wearing GUCCI or GOODWILL, your value doesn’t change.

If you don’t know who you are without the people you’re trying to impress, once they leave, which they will, you’ll be lost too.

You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Whether they understand or not, you were created to be different. RECOGNIZE YOUR VALUE THEN EMBRACE IT. 

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