There will come a time where we begin to wonder why nothing is going right in our lives.. why
things seem to be a never-ending problem.. why we can’t seem to keep any type of joy or passion about life...
It may be because we’re looking at our situations from a negative outlook.
Maybe life hasn’t always treated you correctly. We all have difficulties that we’re facing and of course it’s easy to get side-tracked.. to focus on the negative; but, that may be why some of our lives are still stuck in the same place. Sometimes we have to look on the inside and realize that maybe we’re the problem.
Instead of complaining “There’s too much traffic” “People dont appreciate me” “I don’t like my job”, try being celebratory “Thankful that I have a car to drive to work” “Thankful I woke up this morning”. We gain the habit of complaining so much that we forget to celebrate and be thankful for the things we do have and can do.
What would happen to your relationship, your job, your goals if you made one tiny attitude adjustment? Instead of being disappointed, sour, difficult to get along with, what would happen if you tried being kind, helpful and positive toward your situations?
That may be how you’ve always been, but doesn’t mean that’s how you have to stay. Your attitude can be symbolic to clothes. If you keep them on for too long, they’ll eventually start to stink, make you unattractive and keep others distanced from you.
Your attitude has a greater impact on your success than your IQ score. Having a positive attitude attracts better opportunities, relationships and success.
Forget what happened yesterday. It’s over and done with. Are you going to live today still angry and disappointed over something you can’t change or are you going to start fresh, learn from the mistake and keep moving forward?
You choose the direction your life is going to go so the question is ...
Which way do you choose?
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