Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Be Willing

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We are human. You are allowed to make mistakes. You are allowed to fall and get back up again. You are allowed to cry when something hurts. Life did not come with instructions. Not a single soul on this earth has it all figured out.

You cannot expect yourself to know who and who not to let into your life. You cannot expect to know whether the path you take is right or wrong. You cannot expect to know the outcome of every situation that may transpire. But what you CAN do is control the uncontrollable.. and that is simply being willing.

 BE WILLING, no matter how it turns out.

What do I mean by BE WILLING?

Let me give you some examples.

Be willing to understand when you are wrong in a situation
Be willing to go the distance in whatever you set your mind to
Be willing to stand out
Be willing to walk away from anything that causes you discomfort
Be willing to learn from your mistakes
Be willing to love beyond measures
Be willing to give even when you are not being given to
Be willing to think positively despite your current situation
Be willing to grow
Be willing to experience new things
Be willing to embrace who you were created to be
Be willing to be YOU

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