Monday, June 24, 2019

Staying Committed

In order to stay committed, you have to have a made up mindset that you’re in it for the long run... whether it’s contributing to a goal, a friendship, or a relationship. You have to decide from within that you are going to do the right thing even when things are bad.

Be a loyal person.. a person people can count on when in need.

If you don’t pass the test of being at your best where you are, you will slack off. You are not weak. You have talent and a destiny to fulfill. Stay committed even when nothing is changing.

Don’t take the easy way out, or settle for mediocrity. Of course, there will be plenty of times when you’re tempted to walk away and that’s okay. The test is will you keep going anyway?

Always do more than you have to. Go over and beyond. Take the extra mile.

Commit to a certain goal and stay loyal. Stay consistent. Stay faithful.

There is something in you that nobody else has inside them. Find it, commit to it, and don’t stop until you’ve reached your fullest potential.

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