Saturday, March 2, 2019

Live For TODAY

Now a days, people become so focused on the future or what's to come that we forget to appreciate what today may bring. We become so infatuated in our daily responsibilities that we disconnect from the joy about what is or could be currently happening in our lives that could potentially be for the betterment.  

We miss out on amazing opportunities that may have been placed in our lives, with every purpose of leading into something great. OR we reach the point where we fail to take advantage of every second we have breathing, with the chance of living each day given to the fullest.

Live in the moment but plan for tomorrow.
Save and invest.
Set goals.
Create a bucket list.

Create the life you desire for yourself. Make every moment count. Stop waiting, do it now. Stop wishing, make them come true. We were only given ONE LIFE, do something with it.

"Never forget yesterday, but always live for today because you never know what tomorrow may bring or what it may take away".

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