Saturday, March 30, 2019

Knowing your worth goes hand and hand with multiple things. Whether it's setting goals for yourself, knowing who you want to have in your life as far as friendships, relationships, associates, etc. Knowing your worth is an essential asset in true happiness as well as your strive to success. When you know your worth, you learn what you can achieve. You learn to set goals that you know you'd be comfortable in achieving. Knowing your worth also helps you realize what and who you need to keep around... what you can and can't accept... Your morals pertaining to your dreams as well as the company you choose to keep around you.

Knowing your worth is loving yourself enough to know when you've had enough.

People can and will tell you all day that you're not good enough but my question is WHAT DO YOU MEAN TO YOU? WHAT DEFINES YOU AS A PERSON? WHAT MAKES YOU DIFFERENT?

Once you're able to honestly answer those questions, you're on your way to becoming unstoppable and once you become unstoppable, ADD TAX QUEEN/KING!!

Just because you learn who you are does not mean you don't have anymore room to grow. Your thoughts on your current potential doesn't stop the lessons that will eventually lead into even greater potential that you probably never thought you'd accomplish.


Friday, March 29, 2019


First and foremost, I want to welcome you all back to my blog! I hope you've enjoyed the previously posted content and been able to relate to those topics in some sort of way, if any. Secondly, I want to apologize for my inconsistency. Life has gotten a little crazy over this past week or two and I'm currently picking up the pieces and putting them back together (will be a topic later on). As far as the blog, I will now be posting 4 times a week NO MATTER WHAT! Preferably every other day of the week. For all of my daily viewers, thank you... as well as my newly joined viewers. Stay tuned for more content starting tomorrow and please feel free to comment, follow and contact me if you have any topics, questions or concerns on my social media in the icons above. Once again, I apologize for the inconsistency in posting and thanks for all the support!

Friday, March 15, 2019

Have you ever been presented with an opportunity that could potentially change your life and take you to another level? But you turned it down because it may have seemed sketchy.. or maybe because you felt like you weren't ready.. or maybe because you were just scared?? Trust me, I understand. I get it. I can't express to you guys how many countless opportunities I've turned down due to fear of not being good enough.

The truth is, I was blocking myself from potential opportunities that could've changed my life forever. I was blocking myself from growth.. change.. empowerment.. betterment. Something like what many of us are doing, right?

At some point we all have to gain the courage to step out on faith. At some point we all have to leave the fear of rejection behind and force ourselves to simply go for it. Life is always changing and the world is always transforming. Sticking to the same cycle can often leave us confused and left behind.

You don't have to have it all figured out. I didn't, and I still don't. I'm not saying there won't be failure. It comes with it. My face has been plastered in the mud more times than I can count but you know something? It's not about how you fall, it's about how you get back up.

Take on what life throws at you. If you feel in your heart that you can do it despite what your mind and body says, WHY NOT DO IT? Why keep holding back? Who's telling you that you can't do it? Who's stopping you... YOU?

The world can REJECT you if it chooses, but as long as you're saying YES and you believe in yourself, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.

What do you guys think? What has been holding you guys back? Share your experiences or simply leave a comment below.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

At times life can get a bit overwhelming... like a never ending battle of trying to stay strong and keep your head above water. Different issues with every purpose seemingly to knock you down. I know because I'm currently at that stage.

At that stage of not knowing where to turn or how to function due to being attacked with a different problem every single day. Imma tell y'all what I'm training my own brain to do and that is to simply … breathe.

Train your brain to look at the bright sides of things. Think about all the things you've overcame in the past... all the setbacks you've conquered to get to where you are now.. This will help you realize that you're stronger than what you've imagined... help you understand that the hardest moments of your life often lead to the greatest and most needed lessons.

Life can be extremely tuff at times, especially due to the lack of instructions on how to live or go about certain situations (that'd be great if life came with it though, right?). But truth is, we'll never have all the answers and we'll never have it all figured out.

So my answer is to just breathe. Take a step back and breathe. Take a break from all your struggles and just breathe. You're okay. I'm okay. We all will be OKAY in the end. Breathe, my love.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Of course creating a name, a brand, and/or business for yourself is challenging. Not much clarity on if it'll succeed or not.. Without any support.. without anyone believing in us..
Yes, it's hard.. harder than most people can imagine but does that mean QUIT?

Does that mean stop believing in yourself because others don't believe in you? Does that mean give up on your brand because others have given up on you? Does that mean stop pushing just because you think you haven't made much progress?

Absolutely NOT. If you don't have any support, support yourself. If no one believes in your dreams, believe in yourself. Don't let the lack of likes or comments from social media determine your success. Doesn't matter if you are getting 1 like per post, KEEP POSTING. KEEP GOING. KEEP WORKING.

Most people fail to understand the work and dedication beginner entrepreneurs put in and most beginner entrepreneurs fail to understand that successful businesses come with failure, problems and let-downs.

No matter what, keep believing. No matter how long, keep trying. No matter what happens, learn from it and keep moving.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Now a days, people become so focused on the future or what's to come that we forget to appreciate what today may bring. We become so infatuated in our daily responsibilities that we disconnect from the joy about what is or could be currently happening in our lives that could potentially be for the betterment.  

We miss out on amazing opportunities that may have been placed in our lives, with every purpose of leading into something great. OR we reach the point where we fail to take advantage of every second we have breathing, with the chance of living each day given to the fullest.

Live in the moment but plan for tomorrow.
Save and invest.
Set goals.
Create a bucket list.

Create the life you desire for yourself. Make every moment count. Stop waiting, do it now. Stop wishing, make them come true. We were only given ONE LIFE, do something with it.

"Never forget yesterday, but always live for today because you never know what tomorrow may bring or what it may take away".

Follow Me @inspiredby.nicole