Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Image result for growth quotes

Growth is a process that no one is all the way prepared for. It's not always easy. Some phases are harder than others. Some lessons may be more difficult than the ones before. People will say you've changed. Friends will say you're different. Evolving will cost you unhealthy relationships and friendships and of course it will make you uncomfortable.

But we have to understand that there's a reason for our discomfort. Our most uncomfortable moments usually are the most important lessons/moments in our lives.

Things that used to bother you won't bother you anymore. Things that used to upset you won't anger you anymore. People in the past can't hurt you anymore.

Why? Because the way you move will change. The way you speak, think, react. 

You learn better ways to approach different situations. You learn how to handle things more smoothly than before. You learn how to avoid certain things that disrupt your peace... what and who you choose to put your time and effort into. You began to realize that you're too old for certain shit. Yes, I said it because we are..

Even if it's not all the way positive, being grown enough to pull yourself out of situations you know you aren't ready for or being grown about situations you've acted on. Taking responsibility… ownership over the things you've done.

Growth is being bigger than your past. Being braver than your old fears. Being smarter than your previous decisions.

There's a lesson in every growth phase in your life that will help contribute to the person you will become. Become comfortable in your uncomfortable moments. Don't just go through life... Grow through it.

Reach your fullest potential and change for the better.

Friday, July 26, 2019


Image result for believe them the first time quote

Many times we fall for people knowing they aren't good for us. All the signs indicate it; yet we still settle with the feelings of discomfort and uncertainty. Hoping that one day, sooner rather than later, that those feelings will change. We ignore and makes excuses only to refrain from the fear of never experiencing love again. Don't think that way. You will.

Truth is, the only thing stopping you from experiencing real love is staying with someone whom you know isn't good for you.

Of course, it's hard. No one said it'd be easy constantly starting over with a new person. Learning a different person over and over again. It's exhausting.. But that's where knowing your self worth comes into action. The better you know yourself, the easier it is to rule out what is worth your time and what isn't.

It's okay to give second chances but know the difference between someone deserving a second chance and someone learning how to take advantage of you. When we misinterpret the two, we become heartbroken at our own faults; staying longer than we should, rather than leaving when we know it's time. And by that time, that person has already started figure skating; knowing exactly what to say, and what to do to get you back in their arms. No genuine approach at all.

That feeling deep down in your heart that something is off.. those constant red signs.. they are appearing to get your attention. To let you know that the person you're with will hinder your growth the longer you stay.

At some point, you have to ask yourself, when will enough be enough?

After while, no matter how good someone is at pretending, their true colors will eventually show. Believe them. Notice them and act accordingly. Save yourself the disappoint, heartbreak, and anger.

You deserve to feel loved. You deserve to be appreciated. You deserve to be happy. And if the person you're with isn't making you feel those feelings, then maybe this is your sign. You have that right to put your happiness first and walk away.

Doesn't mean you didn't love them. Just means they didn't love you enough to keep you.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Image result for you matter most
This one is so important, I can't stress this enough.    

I understand.
I have been there multiple times before.
It doesn't lasts as long as you think.

We all experience it at some point in our lives. We all go through situations that easy to deal with. Yes, things may seem impossible or like a never-ending cycle of constant disappointment. Days can also seem, at times, as if they're getting harder by the day. But someone once told me, and I want you guys to ask yourself this,

"Why go through hell and stay there?"

Give your mind a break from all the things going wrong in your life and just take a moment to breathe. Take a moment to realize what you're facing. Take a moment to allow solutions to approach your horizons. Take a moment to think of ways to utilize those solutions.

And then.... utilize them. In that order.

Stop asking, "Why is this happening to me?" and start training your brain to think, "What is this trying to teach me?"

My favorite thing to tell y'all is KEEP GOING. No matter what you do, No matter what happened. Even if it's not that easy right way. Even if you have to take a small break to cry, be angry, or to be alone. IT'S OKAY but don't stay in hell. Don't stay in a miserable stake. You will spoil your life.

If you reach a point in your life where things are getting a little too tough to handle, TAKE A BREAK BABY. It's okay to step away from the world for a while. Those who truly love you and support will understand.

When we constantly allow ourselves to go through situation after situation without fully healing, we end up adding more hatred, and hurt on our hearts and spirits.

Know yourself better than anything in this world. Know when your body needs a break. Know when you need to step back and take a breather. Know when enough is enough.

If someone isn't contributing to your happiness. Leave. During that process, that person will either do 2 things: Either learn to grow with you or get left behind.

Take care of yourself. Not just externally but internally as well. Strengthen your mind. Try new things and get to know yourself better: your likes and dislikes

There's absolutely nothing wrong with putting yourself first in ANY SITUATION. Why not? You are the only person that is going to be with you for the rest of your life. Why not be your biggest supporter?

At the end of the day, You matter MOST.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Many situations happen in our lives that we are not prepared for. Some for the better... some a little bit worse than others. And of course, we began to question the reason. We began to wonder why things are happening the way they are or what did we do to deserve it, right?

Its life, my love.

Sometimes we let the lives of others or expectations on social media make us believe life is skipping us by or that we must hurry up and make something happen before we run out of time.

Relax, my love..

They don’t show you how long of a wait it was until they finally reached their goals. They don’t show the steps it took to get to where they are. They don’t show you all the times they felt like giving up. They don’t show the failures and disappointments they endured.

Understand that their journey is not your journey.

Their life is not yours. Your blessings are not their blessings. Whatever is for YOU will forever be for YOU and no one can take that away.

Yes, you will go through hard times. We all do; however, the most important thing you can do in any situation you endure is to simply remain positive.

Even if that seems to the hardest thing to do at the moment, master the art of remaining positive and watch your life take a turn for the better.

You WILL reach your goals. You WILL get that dream job. You WILL find your perfect soulmate. You WILL become financially stabled.

No one ever said life would be easy. Stop worrying yourself and keep pushing. Give your mind back its peace back and enjoy your life.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Image result for be willing

We are human. You are allowed to make mistakes. You are allowed to fall and get back up again. You are allowed to cry when something hurts. Life did not come with instructions. Not a single soul on this earth has it all figured out.

You cannot expect yourself to know who and who not to let into your life. You cannot expect to know whether the path you take is right or wrong. You cannot expect to know the outcome of every situation that may transpire. But what you CAN do is control the uncontrollable.. and that is simply being willing.

 BE WILLING, no matter how it turns out.

What do I mean by BE WILLING?

Let me give you some examples.

Be willing to understand when you are wrong in a situation
Be willing to go the distance in whatever you set your mind to
Be willing to stand out
Be willing to walk away from anything that causes you discomfort
Be willing to learn from your mistakes
Be willing to love beyond measures
Be willing to give even when you are not being given to
Be willing to think positively despite your current situation
Be willing to grow
Be willing to experience new things
Be willing to embrace who you were created to be
Be willing to be YOU

Friday, July 5, 2019


Image result for know you deserve it

The title of this post definitely speaks for itself.

Many of us have goals, dreams, and ideas we want to bring to life whether they're long term, short term, or indifference. Many of us also have that small amount of fear or tiny little voice in our heads saying "you can't do it"..

Trust me, I hear it too. You're not alone.

But there was one thing I did wrong... maybe like many of you, and that was believe it.

Overtime, I soon began to realize that, all along, I was the ONLY ONE holding me back.

There's a time in our lives where we have to start believing in ourselves, which goes hand and hand with knowing your value... knowing who you are and what you mean to this world.

Of course it feels great to have a big group of supporters or even a small group... Or maybe you don't have any one at all. At the end of the day, nobody's support is more important than your own. Be your biggest support system. Whether you fall with a group of people standing behind you or with nobody at all.... get back up and stand 10 TOES behind who you are and what you stand for!

Know that every vision of the future you have in you head is already yours. Know in your heart and in your spirit that it's already in your possession. KNOW THAT YOU DESERVE IT..

Because when it comes down to it..... YOU DO..

Wednesday, July 3, 2019


There will come a time where we begin to wonder why nothing is going right in our lives.. why 
things seem to be a never-ending problem.. why we can’t seem to keep any type of joy or passion about life... 

It may be because we’re looking at our situations from a negative outlook. 

Maybe life hasn’t always treated you correctly. We all have difficulties that we’re facing and of course it’s easy to get side-tracked.. to focus on the negative; but, that may be why some of our lives are still stuck in  the same place. Sometimes we have to look on the inside and realize that maybe we’re the problem. 

Instead of complaining “There’s too much traffic” “People dont appreciate me” “I don’t like my job”, try being celebratory “Thankful that I have a car to drive to work” “Thankful I woke up this morning”. We gain the habit of complaining so much that we forget to celebrate and be thankful for the things we do have and can do.

What would happen to your relationship, your job, your goals if you made one tiny attitude adjustment? Instead of being disappointed, sour, difficult to get along with, what would happen if you tried being kind, helpful and positive toward your situations? 

That may be how you’ve always been, but doesn’t mean that’s how you have to stay. Your attitude can be symbolic to clothes. If you keep them on for too long, they’ll eventually start to stink, make you unattractive and keep others distanced from you. 

Your attitude has a greater impact on your success than your IQ score. Having a positive attitude attracts better opportunities, relationships and success. 

Forget what happened yesterday. It’s over and done with. Are you going to live today still angry and disappointed over something you can’t change or are you going to start fresh, learn from the mistake and keep moving forward?

You choose the direction your life is going to go so the question is ...

Which way do you choose? 

Follow Me @inspiredby.nicole