Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Do you ever become so busy that you forget to take care of YOU? So stressed and pressured without any knowledge on what your body needs? While continuing to push off scheduling time for exercise, social occasions, or just quality time with yourself?

It is impossible to continue with our daily activities or truly be there for others without tending to ourselves first. It is extremely important to set aside some love and attention, even if it's a small amount, to your mind, body and soul... your mental, emotional and physical health.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Lighten up. Tell yourself you are good enough. Flood your brain with positive thoughts whether it's by reading motivational books, listening to music, podcasts, etc.

Sometimes we have to interrupt what may seem like life's never-ending demands and take time to regroup and refuel ourselves with energy. It's OKAY to give yourself a break and tend to your mental and physical needs. Sometimes taking a break from the influences of social media, people, or just everything around you is also significant in maintaining a healthy and positive mindset.

Here are some examples of self care:
  • Take a jog
  • Spend time with friends
  • Exercise
  • Meditate
  • Travel
  • Journal

Monday, February 25, 2019

Many times we become so focused on what is preferred or seen as cool that we lose focus on who we really are. Sometimes, we stop seeking our true and purest forms to be seen as accepted rather than accepting our true selves. Our true personalities. Our true thoughts. Mindsets. Outlooks on life. We become scared to embrace our unique qualifies due to fear of being laughed at, talked about, or simply being different.. but it's OKAY!

We all have our own significant purposes as to why we were created. We all have our own opinions on what we consider acceptable or unacceptable in our own minds. We all have our own unique qualities that help us stand out; that make us different. The world needs different. We need people who are comfortable with who they are without the influence of others.. People who are not afraid to stand out and accept their true selves.

It is okay to be YOU. No matter what the world may think.. no matter what THEY may say, YOU are YOU for a reason. Use it. Believe in yourself enough to get to the know the REAL you. Eliminate all the counteracting thoughts of what others may think or say and simply fall into the REAL you. Get to know the REAL you. Love the REAL you. Embrace the REAL you. Challenge the REAL you. Use the REAL you and do something with it. The world needs it.


Sunday, February 24, 2019

Hi everyone and welcome to my inspirational blog. For a while now, I've been wanting to create this blog, in hopes of helping people all around the world, and it's finally up and running. In this blog, there will be various topics discussed and advice given on situations that most people aren't comfortable talking about, or during the process, feel alone getting through. I've been assisting people for a while, sharing whatever and however I can simply because most of these situation I've either been through, or witnessed someone else go through and NO ONE should have to experience any of it alone.

I usually post "message of the day" quotes every morning on social media; and, the responses I would receive inspired me to spread the positivity. I witness a lot of things transpire in this world and I know many people feel as if no one understands them or the trials they're facing. I know because I've felt it too. So, as I grow while attempting to help others grow, I want to thank you for reading my blog and I hope that I am of assistance to someone in need, even if it's simply one person. Please feel free to contact me personally if preferred that way. I can't promise anyone I'll know everything but I can promise that I will help as much as I can. So again, thanks for reading and joining me on this journey. More to come!

Follow Me @inspiredby.nicole